Session Recap
Total 19 Posts
S12: Onward to the Ruins
As the party travels towards the ruins holding the corrupted relic, a tree comes crashing down. Ashe rushes forward and pushes Zen out of the way, getting crushed by the tree along with the reanimated skeleton controlled by Rhone. Eressil reduces the size of the tree so that Ashe can
S11: The Plagued Gypsy Caravan
As night approaches in the sparse forest, they make camp and minor hijinks continue. During Eressil's watch, she makes nature jokes with the trees. Wolf howls can be heard int eh distance. They party continues to travel to Sheynwick until finally coming to a road. Decided it will be a
S10: Flower Spitting and Earth Splitting
The party resupplies and starts to make their way to Sheynwick. They trudge through swamps for several hours, and come across many new species of flowers and plants they have never seen before. They pick several of the flowers that prove fairly difficult to harvest. If harvest incorrectly, it is
S09: A Night on the Town
After attempting to send ZeeZee back for the map in order to find out where they are, it turns out the mountains don't exist anymore. They make their way into town instead, with the intent to hide they magical abilities. They ask the people about the Castle and the Dragons,
S08: When a tree falls...
As the party gets directions from the birds, they find their direction to a nearby lake. The Birds warn of a Guardian of the area. They find out the Guardian is a large "hulking beast" from a squirrel Eressil talks with. They find a clear path of trees that have
S07: Duality Manor
As Eressil and Rhone work their way through the manor they were transported to, they find another Teleportation Circle. After stepping on the Rings, they get Transported to a similarly constructed building. After whistling, they find out they are all together again, and meet up. They continue to explore the
S06: House Hundal
The characters are making their way through the forest after being teleported near the edge of the barrier. They work their way towards the Dragon King's Castle in the Distance. As they get closer, they notice a flickering mist surrounds the entire castle which is high upon a cliff. They