The Latest

S19: Rescuing Zee Zee

Eressil, Rhone, and Zendrynn teleport into the enemy base next to Ashe, and are immediately caught up in the ongoing battle. After finally defeating Boice and Haerdo, they start to catch up a little bit about what had happened. They

S18: We split the Party!

S17: A People's Vengeance

S16: The First Temple

S15: The Children of Verdale

S14: Gifts from a God

S13: Return of the Moon Mother


S19: Rescuing Zee Zee

Eressil, Rhone, and Zendrynn teleport into the enemy base next to Ashe, and are immediately caught up in the ongoing battle. After finally defeating Boice and Haerdo, they start to

S18: We split the Party!

Secret Information for Each group

S17: A People's Vengeance

As the group makes their way down the Stairwell to the bunks, the find a room with numerous bunks and an adjoining open showering room. A concept new to some

S16: The First Temple

Ignoring the knowledge of this "Loki" character that was mentioned, the party decides to continue forward toward the Temple of Dova in the Clais Wilderness. A Temple that according to

Moon Mother

Jacques Oreu

Goblin Gobi



Addictions, Diseases, Poisons, and Decay are all typically labelled as corruptions by the people. Chronica AddictionChronica Addiction can only be acquired through the consumption of grains of sand found within




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