As night approaches in the sparse forest, they make camp and minor hijinks continue. During Eressil's watch, she makes nature jokes with the trees. Wolf howls can be heard int eh distance.

They party continues to travel to Sheynwick until finally coming to a road. Decided it will be a quicker route, they head down its path. As they continue traveling they come across a Gypsy Caravan that has been plagued by bad luck. The night before, while the caravan was camped at the Fork in the roads heading to Taldor, two of the Gypsy band, Andrew and Theresa, were slain that night in the attack.

After much small talk, and bartering, in order to try to comfort the Gypsy and become welcomed, it seems unlikely. Rhone finds out information about their graves and plans to reanimate them, but having seen the area was consecrated, he decides it best not to do such a thing.

That night, the party is attacked by a pack of wolves and a dark figure. The party fights and manages to slay the bests, some of which transform into normal humanoids. They start to hear numerous wolf howls in the night air. Eressil listens and understands them to be saying, "All praise the Moon Mother." Rhone then reanimates one of the corpses. As it rises up, it starts to speak to the party on its own volition, "Please save my children."

This being calls herself the Moon Mother and requests that the group helps to break the curse afflicting her children. It requires them destroying a relic that is corrupting her powers and thus corrupting her children. To destroy a relic, requires another relic. The group agrees.