Addictions, Diseases, Poisons, and Decay are all typically labelled as corruptions by the people.
Chronica Addiction
Chronica Addiction can only be acquired through the consumption of grains of sand found within Timos Sandalis. When a grain of sand is consumed, the moments and histories of the being associated with that grain of sand, flash through the mind of the creature.
Some philosophers have dwelled on the results of a being consuming the grain of sand that contains their own life.
- Would they regain their memories?
- Would they know their future?
- We would they be able to break free of their Chronica Addiction?
Eter Addiction
Eter addiction occurs when a creature stays within Timos Sandalis for too long. They develop a psychological need to remain within the area. Losing touch with their world and eventually becoming an eternal inhabitant of the desert.
Namir Corruption
Namir corruption exists solely in the realm of Lanasteh and is quite a strange phenomena. First it must be known that this corruption affects only metals that are not naturally a Leyd Metal. A Leyd Metal has a direct connection to the Leylines of the realms and it is believed that this is why they are not affected by the Namir corruption. The only known Leyd Metals that currently exist are silver, gold, and platinum.
Several studies have been done to try to understand this corruption and it has been found that the corruption:
- When it breaks down a metal, it appears to turn the metal to a completely un-reactive pile of dust
- Completely breaks down any amount of non-Leyd Metals in a matter of 2-3 hours
- Completely breaks down any amount of Artificially Leyd Metals in about 12 hours
- Breaks down these metals, even if they are completely enclosed in a Leyd Metal container or coating
- Completely breaks down any size metal construct or creature in about 12 hours