S06: House Hundal
The characters are making their way through the forest after being teleported near the edge of the barrier. They work their way towards the Dragon King's Castle in the Distance. As they get closer, they notice a flickering mist surrounds the entire castle which is high upon a cliff. They make their way south hoping to find a way up.
The group is attacked by Invisible Stalkers and fight their way through the deadly creatures. As they kill the last one it moans out, "Afeut will get you."
They investigate the nearby pillar and see an engraving of a figure standing in front of a castle, with many people bowing down before the figure. They discover the land is desecrated and attracts the attention of Undead.
Eres and Ashe see flowing in the tree line and follows after it only to find out it is a Will-o-Wisp, a creature that leads adventurer's astray in order to cause mischief. Eressil believed this to be the meaning of the beginning of her visions she had the night before they returned to Berwealde. After speaking with animals, Eressil finds a squirrel that leads them to the Great Wolf, which is in fact a hill in the form of a bear head.
All but Ashe follow after the Great Wolf they find that has marked this territory as its own. The group is forced to hunt moose for the Wolf in order to gain its friendship, and not become its next meal. Ajax, being afraid of wolves, stays behind and climbs the hill to get a better vantage point.
Atop the hill, Ajax finds a set of Dwarven Runes and he accidentally activates the one with the runed words, "Rise and Fall" on it. A yellow aura shoots out of Ajax's hand and the skies darken. After that nothing seems to happen.
Ajax explains to the group about the runes atop the hill, but Zen doesn't believe him.
The wolf navigates the group to the Keep near the castle. There they find a cellar doorway in the keep.
Exploring the cellar, they find a skeleton and 3 barrles, along with a pantry of incredibly ancient plants that are still in remarkably good condition.
They find a secret set of stairs and make their way further down. They find the skeletons head, giving them a full corpse, and Rhone reanimates the skeleton, naming him Ceadric the Entertainer.
As they exit the stairs, they come into a hallway with 3 doors at the end of it. One room has 4 Banners each with an orange backdrop and white symbols, but with a different animal: a bird, a horse, a bat, and a fish. The second room appears to be a barracks room, with 4 beds and a weapon rack.
They make their way into the last room which appears to be a throne room with 5 chairs with a banner behind each. 4 of the banners they have seen before. The last banner, which belongs to the Throne at the head of the room, has a symbol of a hound or dog on it.
Everyone decides to sit in the Thrones to see if anything happens, though Rhone is hesitant to do so. When they do, two teleportation circles appear in the center of the room. They agree to go through the portal.
Divergent Paths: Ajax, Ashe, Zen
The three went through one of the Teleport Circles and appeared in the Courtyard of a Grand Mansion.
There, the following occurred:
- Encountered Stone Gargoyle, 2 Wraiths, and 1 Invisible Stalker
- Ajax pre-occupied Wraith with Tasha's Hideous Laughter
- Ash destroyed a magically reinforced and regenerating Door.
- Zendrynn destroyed Stone Gargoyle in epic fashion.
Divergent Paths: Rhone, Eressil
Eressil convinced Rhone (who felt more like he was forced to follow in order to protect her) to go through a different Teleportation Circle than the others to see what happened.
They both appeared on the balcony of an exquisitely designed building. After which the following occurred:
- Encountered Poison Water Weird.
- Rhone's Guiding Bolt dealt massive damage.
- Sent Sending to Other Group to give them feedback.
- A chained halfling wrath is trapped in a room. Obviously it has gone insane after being bound for so long, based on it believing it is hearing things.
- The wrath mentions it was trapped for eternity by the master. It's whole family is trapped. Eressil and Rhone manage to free the Wraths and take all the magical chains.